Gene Expression Nebulas
A data portal of transcriptomic profiles analyzed by a unified pipeline across multiple species

Gene Expression Nebulas

A data portal of transcriptome profiles across multiple species

Basic Information

Latin Name: Macaca fascicularis
Common Name: Crab-eating macaque
Kingdom: Animalia
Division: Primates
Taxonomy ID: 9541
Parent Taxonomy ID: 9539


Download Dataset ID BioProject ID Project ID Dataset Name Species Strategy Sample Number Tissue Cell Type Cell Line Healthy Condition Development Stage Case Detail Control Detail Cell Number Biological Condition Quality and Quantity
Baseline Genetic Phenotypic Environmental Spatial Temporal RNA Type Median Mapping Quality Median Coverage Max Sequencing Length Max Replicate#


Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals regulation of fetal ovary development in the monkey (Macaca fascicularis).
Zhao ZH, Li CY, Meng TG, Wang Y, Liu WB, Li A, Cai YJ, Hou Y, Schatten H, Wang ZB, Sun QY, Sun Q.
Cell Discov. 2020-12-29; 6 (1)
Exploiting orthology and de novo transcriptome assembly to refine target sequence information.
Söllner JF, Leparc G, Zwick M, Schönberger T, Hildebrandt T, Nieselt K, Simon E.
BMC Med Genomics. 2019-05-23; 12 (1)